I see it every day: budding entrepreneurs who have the EDUCATION to get going and (at least say they have) the MOTIVATION to get going but don't do anything today, tomorrow, or the next day that's likely to GET them going. It's a brain lock that we ALL get about certain things at a particular time, and it's about the fact that creating an entire real estate business from scratch is just too overwhelming to deal with.
I ran across this article that I want you to read if I just described YOU...I think if you follow the advice here, you can get over that hump and on to the job of getting successful, one day at a time.
It's called "How to Actually Execute Your To-Do List, or Why Writing it Down Doesn't Get it Done." http://zenhabits.net/how-to-actually-execute-your-to-do-list-or-why-writing-it-down-doesnt-actually-get-it-done/
What do you think? How do you motivate yourself to do boring, difficult, overwhelming, unpleasant things?