Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati

Author: Mark Dofini (1 articles found) - Clear Search

Can’t Get Anywhere in Your Business? You may be suffering from Entrepreneurial ADD


The coffee shop is quiet for a change. The normal morning bustle has yielded to a lull, giving the baristas a chance to enjoy a break and catch up on some cleaning before the lunch rush.

I’m only partially aware of what’s going on around me because, I’m busy obsessing about my investment account. I’m WILLING the number to go up just a few more cents. The problem is it’s been going in the wrong direction for months.

My obsessing is interrupted by my phone. It’s a call from a tenant living in one of my rentals who has a toilet that won’t stop running. She’s already told me twice, and I keep forgetting about it.

With promises to stop by before the day is over, I barely hang up when I get another call, this time from an investor with a mobile home park deal that I’ve been putting off for weeks, because I haven’t made time to look at the numbers and see if it’s a deal worth doing. 

Meanwhile, my email pings to remind me of a deal I’ve been working on, and the seller is wondering when we’re going to close.