It's an interesting time to be a real estate investor...lots of challenges to deal with and lots of opportunities to grab.
Our members have...well, THOUSANDS of years of combined experience in 'good' markets and 'bad', and we're working day and night to make sure you get the information you need to survive and thrive in the current crazy climate...
Plus, we know how much you value NETWORKING with like-minded people, so...
REIAGC's meetings are both live and online, including our regular 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month meetings, and our AWESOME members-only focus groups.
If you're a member, you'll get links to all of our focus group meetings, regular meetings, and special meeting via email, so make sure we have your BEST email.
Wherever you are in the world or in your career, you're welcome!

REIAGC: A Community Just for You!
We're More Than Just a "Real Estate Investors Association":
We're a Community OF Real Estate Entrepreneurs,
FOR Real Estate Entrepreneurs!
Cincinnati REIA is the largest, and most excited and exciting community of real estate investors, rental property owners, wholesalers, retailers, creative buyers, lease/option aficionados and more.
Our community is open to new and experienced wealth builders who value:
- The immense local, in-the-trenches knowledge and experience contained within our community
- Both introductory and in-depth training on a variety of potential strategies
- Education about tactics AND ethics, hows AND whys, benefits AND risks
- Sharing resources from knowledge to referrals with fellow members
- The support and confidence that a group of like-minded, prosperity-focused can give you in starting or growing your real estate business
Yes, REIAGC gives you tons of money-making, locally-based education about how to make more money in real estate investing. But what's REALLY valuable is the sense of community you get with other Cincinnati-area rental property owners, wholesalers, retailers, note investors, and the people who provide services to them.
Got questions about neighborhoods? Need contractor recommendations? Have a deal to sell, or need to buy one? Need to learn to do your first deal, or to build your little real estate business into a big one? Or just want to hang with awesome people who believe as strongly as you do that real estate investing is an awesome business?
Our main meetings are open to the public and your first meeting is always FREE; download a first-time guest pass to our next main meeting by clicking any main meeting announcement in the right column.
Join us and see...REIAGC is a community you can't do without!