Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati

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ONLINE General Meeting: How to Get Cash Flow without Management or Rehab with Repair for Equity Deals Plus: Summit Attendees share their biggest takeaways…

with... Vena Jones-Cox

Vena Jones-Cox shares the strategy of making higher returns with less hassle by selling deals ‘repair for equity’, and National Real Estate Summit attendees share the most important things they learned about investing in the ‘New Market’.

Thursday, November 17, 2022 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM


OPHP Credits
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Thursday, November 17th

How to Get Cash Flow without Management or Rehab
with Repair for Equity Deals
Plus: Summit Attendees share their biggest takeaways…

     It’s rolling up on the end of the year, and that makes it a great time to start thinking about how you’ll make more money in ’23 than you did in ’22 (yes, despite the recession…)

     So at our last regular meeting of 2022 (‘cause December is our big Holiday Party/Best and Worst Deals of the year contest), we’ll wet your whistle with a strategy you’ve probably never heard of and a compilation of the best tips and ideas from the National Real Estate Summit.

     Join us on Zoom—this meeting is open to everyone, everywhere in the U.S. who’s serious about investing in or flipping real estate.

Here’s the agenda:

5:30 eastern:
Online Networking, Buy/Sell/Trade, and Q&A

Grow your tribe, offer or get deals, money, or stuff, and get advice!

6:00 eastern:
The Best Thing I Heard at the National Real Estate Summit
OPHP 1 hour elective

     Attendees, go through your notes and pick out the things that really impacted you, that you plan to implement FIRST, that gave you an “a-ha moment”, and share them with the folks who couldn’t attend, or who may not have attended the same sessions you did.

7:30 Eastern
How to Get Cash Flow without Management or Rehab with
“Repair for Equity Deals”
with Vena Jones-Cox
Ophp: 1.5 hours exit strategies

     If you love high returns on investment, and you love the idea of giving people who don’t fit into the “qualified for a mortgage” box the chance to own a home, and you DON’T love management or rehab, you should REALLY know about ‘repair for equity’ deals.

     They create cash flow without tenants, and homeowners without banks.

     But it’s not as easy as “find a house that needs work and finance it to someone”.

     So at this meeting, Vena Jones-Cox (do-er of hundreds of these deals) will show you:

  • Which properties in which areas work for these deals
  • What condition they need to be in to work
  • How to set the price and monthly payments
  • Which strategy—lease/option, land contract, or seller-held mortgage—is the best to use
  • Who your best buyer is (because if you put the wrong one in your house, you’ll be sorry)
  • How to get cash on cash returns of 35% or more (yeah, seriously)
  • Why they’ll be so hot in the next 2 years

     This meeting is free to members and first time guests, $35 for returning guests (but don’t pay that—you can join for a month for just $25 HERE, and get ALL the benefits of membership including 14 online focus groups and exchange meetings)

     Just register below to get your link!

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Know someone who is interested in this event? Invite your friends by sending a Free Guest Pass to them!

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Date:  Thursday, November 17, 2022
Time:  5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

OPHP Credits:
Elective (1.00 hours)
Exit Strategies (1.50 hours)
What is an OPHP Credit?

Event Liability Waiver

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