Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati

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General Membership Meeting

with... Multiple Speaker(s)

Learning to buy the best ways!

Thursday, June 1, 2017 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Ramada Plaza
11320 Chester Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45246


OPHP Credits
What is OPHP

Early meeting:

The Price is Right, Maybe: A property evaluation workshop

Do you ever have a problem figuring out what a particular property is worth? Maybe the comparable sales are all over the map, metaphorically speaking. Maybe you’re not sure how to guesstimate the income and expenses on a vacant house. Maybe you just get confused about how to put all the pieces together. Or maybe you’re pretty good at all of that, but can’t get your brain around what to offer so that you make an adequate profit for your efforts.

We’re going to try something different at this meeting: a workshop-style session where you’ll be provided with information and asked, with a group of your colleagues, to come up with and defend a value for a given property.

This is one of the key skills that every real estate entrepreneur must master; come out and participate. You’re certain to learn something that will make, or save, you money.

Main Meeting:

How to Buy Properties from the Land Bank with Gail Paul

What is the most important player in the distressed property market in Ohio that you don’t know about? It’s the Land Reutilization Corporations, better known as “land banks”, that operate in most counties in Ohio. They are non-profit corporations set up by the state to acquire abandoned properties—often through tax sales—and, guess what? “Sell them to responsible property owners who will maintain the properties in good repair and pay real estate taxes in a timely fashion.” Does that sound like you?

Then get to this exclusive meeting, where Gail Paul the VP of Communication Strategy of the Hamilton County Land Bank will discuss this practically-unknown way of buying off-market properties and land. She’ll talk about:

  • How to access Land Bank inventory (the Hamilton County Land Bank alone has 560 parcels available right now, we’re pretty sure there’s one you’d be interested in)
  • What it takes to qualify to buy a land bank property
  • How to process works, from application to closing


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Date:  Thursday, June 1, 2017
Time:  6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Ramada Plaza
11320 Chester Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45246

Google Map

OPHP Credits:
Purchasing (1.00 hours)
Appraisal (1.00 hours)
Regulations - Local (0.50 hours)
What is an OPHP Credit?

Event Liability Waiver

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Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati

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Cincinnati, OH 45205
(513) 407-3137

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