Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati

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Chapter Meeting ONLINE: Kick off Your Real Estate Business Right in 2023: Learn How To Win the Real Estate Game + What to Expect in Apartment Investing

with... Vena Jones-Cox

Vena Jones-Cox shares everything you need to know to win the real estate game—REALLY; and hear from real-life apartment investors what they’re seeing now in the market, and the big changes—some good, some bad—what they expect in 2023 and beyond.

Thursday, January 19, 2023 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

January 19th, Online
The Future of Apartment Investing +
The Shortest Path to Winning the Real Estate Game

        If you’re new to REIA, you may not know that we pack our “main meetings” with information and support from local, regional, and national experts.

        So yes, we start at 5:30 pm Eastern with a half hour of online networking, your chance to offer or ask for deals, and Q&A, and we keep going straight through 9 p.m.

        But don’t be intimidated; once you have your link (you can register below), you can join in anytime, for all the sessions or just one.

        Here’s the full schedule:

5:30 Online Networking/Deals/Q&A
        Get help, offer stuff, or just get to know your amazing community of got-your-back colleagues from all over the U.S.

6:00-7:00 early workshop
The Future of Apartment Investing.
Higher interest rates, stagnant rents, and too many years of high prices and low cap rates are coming home to roost in the apartment world. Does this mean big bargains, or big failures are on the horizon?

        Our panel of experienced apartment buyers from all over the U.S. talk about what they’re seeing now, and what they expect in the next 12-18 months, and how they’re preparing themselves to grab the opportunities and overcome the challenges—and answer your questions.

7:15-9:00 main meeting
Everything You Need to Know to Win the Real Estate Game—Really! with Vena Jones-Cox

        If real estate were a board game, it definitely wouldn’t look anything like Monopoly.

        Instead, it would have 2 sides—one with a series of challenges and opportunities that take you from ‘dreamer’ to ‘starter’ to active, asset-acquiring ‘estate builder’, and one with a different set of steps and mis-steps to take you from ‘estate builder’ to where most of us want to be: financially free ‘ender’.

        And it would be a lot crueler than Monopoly, too: at any point, your own choices and actions could send back to square one, or completely out of the game.

        Over the years, we’ve watched literally tens of thousands of real estate entrepreneurs put their pieces on the starting line, and then make the right moves to get to the finish…or make bad moves and find themselves moving backward, or nowhere at all.

        So it’s time to share what we’ve learned, and show you exactly how SUCCESSFULLY navigate your next set of challenges, and get from where you are, to where you want to be, as fast as possible. You’ll learn:

  • The most common challenges that defeat starters, estate builders, and even enders, and how to get the help you need to overcome them and move on
  • How ‘goal setting’ and ‘New Year’s Resolution-Making” has led you astray, and why how you approach the game is MUCH more important than where you start, or which strategy you pick
  • A realistic plan of attack that will drastically reduce your fears at each stage, increase the resources you have to play with, and make you rich(er) quick(er)

        Vena has played the real estate game for over 25 years, and has coached thousands of new and experienced investors, so she knows exactly where you’re likely to face roadblocks (making a bad deal, running out of money and credit, not having the connections you need to grow, and dozens more).

        She’ll lay out exactly what successful investors do, and when, so that you can be 10 moves ahead in your own personal real estate game.

        Listen in, and we guarantee you’ll have a more successful 2021—and beyond!

        Get your link to attend below, and set a reminder in your phone to be there on Thursday the 19th!


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Know someone who is interested in this event? Invite your friends by sending a Free Guest Pass to them!

 Send a Guest Pass!

Date:  Thursday, January 19, 2023
Time:  5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Event Liability Waiver

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Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati

3707 Warsaw Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45205
(513) 407-3137

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