Real Estate Investors Association of Greater Cincinnati

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How to Make a Mill in 2 Years + Find Leads and Comp

with... Multiple Speaker(s)

Join a panel of successful investors from all over the U.S. as they answer the question, “If I were starting from scratch right now, how would a make $1 million in 24 months?” Plus get a hands-on Propstream workshop at our early meeting

Thursday, September 15, 2022 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

September 15th, ONLINE:

How to Make a Mill in 2 Years +
How to Get Seller Leads and Comps with Propstream

    There's are a lot of reasons why REIAGC is growing so fast (over 900 members from all around the U.S.!), and that it’s most active community of new and experienced real estate entrepreneurs in the whole country.

    The constant flow of practical, in-the-trenches advice from experienced do-ers is one of them…

    Our September 15th meeting features a BUNCH of them, sharing their best advice for growing a fortune fast, finding deals now, and more...

 Members and guests at all levels of knowledge and experience welcome! (first time guests can download a free guest pass below)

Here’s the whole schedule:

5:30-6:00 p.m. eastern
Networking & Q&A

Meet your fellow travelers on the path to financial independence, and get feedback on deals you’re working on, concepts you don’t understand, referrals you need, and more!

6:00-7:00 p.m. eastern
Hands-On Workshop:
How to Get Seller Leads and Real Comparable Sales

    When members ask, “How do I get good comps? How do I get lists of owners who might be motivated to sell?” we always say the same thing: subscribe to Propstream.

    If you haven’t seen it in action, this is your chance: we’ll have a representative from the company to demonstrate how to do these things, and answer your questions.

     You can follow along with your subscription, or get a 7-day free trial at (Yes, you’ll need to enter your credit card number to start the trial, but if you cancel within 7 days, it won’t be charged)

7:30-9:00 p.m. eastern
The Ender Panel:
How I’d Make a Million in the Next 2 Years
In TODAY’S Market,
Starting from Scratch

    Does that sound like the title of a session that’s going to end with a course for sale?

    It’s not.

    Instead, we posed this question to some of the most successful investors and flippers we know from around the U.S.:

    “If you had to start from scratch in this crazy market, with no cash or resources other than what you know, could you be a millionaire again in 2 years?”

    The answer across the board was, “Of course!...

    …So now we’re putting them on a panel to tell you, step by step, exactly how they’d do it.

    These real-life investors have over 150 years of combined experience to inform their real-world advice about the best ways to:

  • Make money with money or without money
  • In up, down, and sideways market
  • The resources you need to gather NOW that aren’t money or deals
  • The roads NOT to go down
  • And oh, so much more.

     This meeting is a once in a lifetime chance to gather hard-won, in-the-trenches advice from people who’ve reached the summit so that you can do the same thing—faster and with fewer bumps in your road.

     Get your link to join us by registering below!

Send a Free Guest Pass!

Know someone who is interested in this event? Invite your friends by sending a Free Guest Pass to them!

 Send a Guest Pass!

Date:  Thursday, September 15, 2022
Time:  5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Event Liability Waiver

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Cincinnati, OH 45205
(513) 407-3137

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